@dtluna That's why humans don't like non-absolutes. Ambiguities are super frustrating when you're trying to be in charge. But they're absolutely necessary.
@deadsuperhero @cwebber And a few Mastodon frontends too, I think? Wasn't that brutalwhatever a Masto frontend? And I know there's at least one more I forgot.
1) Racket determines whether it should recompile system packages based on timestamps and, well. :-) 2) Racket has functionality to have several system install locations, but nobody uses it except me, so it's a bit lacking in places.
But you're installing it as a user package (right?), so I don't quite get why it would affect you at this point.
@cwebber I haven't said anything on the list, because I don't have a proper solution for you, and I knew I wouldn't be able to follow up with the proper research, and I had some reservations about whether I was on the right track, but I've been running into similar issues when struggling with Racket on Nix.
One thing you can try is to do what I do in installPhase in the racket2nix output:
Like "just slap this standard CoC on it and it'll all be fine", rather than anchoring the policy in the community and growing it out of the needs of the community.
> Manning was out of the country at the time of the incident, said Janus Cassandra, a close friend [...] “If Chelsea had been home when these cops arrived with guns drawn, she would be dead.”
If a friend appears to be having suicidal thoughts, DON'T CALL THE POLICE. Check in yourself or have a friend do so. Otherwise you increase their risk of death.
Maybe we can build off Hydra[0], maybe Hercules[1]. Or maybe we'll have to make our own. Today I was also made aware of Cuirass[2], a Guix CI server. I should probably have a look at it to see if there's something unique and useful in there.
@ocdtrekkie Github wiki, gists, user pages are all stored in git repos. Rest isn't. I don't know about the equivilants on Gitlab.
Also, https://github-backup.branchable.com/ pulls all the data into a branch (and backs up all repos you star or fork); I wrote it 6 years ago partly to demonstrate feasibiity, partly to not lose information when the inevitable github backlash happened.
Consider all the data that's used to provide the value-added features on top of git. Issue tracking, wikis, notes in commits, lists of forks, pull requests, access controls, hooks, other configuration, etc.