@cwebber I haven't said anything on the list, because I don't have a proper solution for you, and I knew I wouldn't be able to follow up with the proper research, and I had some reservations about whether I was on the right track, but I've been running into similar issues when struggling with Racket on Nix.
One thing you can try is to do what I do in installPhase in the racket2nix output:
$ raco pkg install --no-setup $install_names
$ raco setup --only --pkgs $setup_names
That only addresses one of the pitfalls, but it might be enough for your problem.
@cwebber My major problem is twofold:
1) Racket determines whether it should recompile system packages based on timestamps and, well. :-)
2) Racket has functionality to have several system install locations, but nobody uses it except me, so it's a bit lacking in places.
But you're installing it as a user package (right?), so I don't quite get why it would affect you at this point.
@cwebber Now trying `nix-build build-racket.nix --argstr package gregor` to see what happens.
@cwebber Wohoo, you helped me discover an uncovered source type in racket2nix!
@cwebber No, that just looks like you got further in the process to uncover a previously shadowed error. I'm guessing gregor hasn't been updated for a long time?
@cwebber Or hm, no that's internal to zoneinfo talking to itself. You're probably right, I just don't know enough to understand why.
@cwebber Sounds silly, but, hey, computers amirite.
I'm guessing it needs to load all code and then chooses some paths in runtime, but I haven't looked inside tzinfo.
It is my belief that what setup does is compile, generate and copy things, and any missing setup should only result in missing files, not a type mismatch or compilation phase mismatch or whatever this is. But I'm open for improved knowledge. :-)
"tzinfo" sounds a package that should be in use by a lot of other packages, and so shouldn't have obvious bugs.
@cwebber Issue #143 is solved, and with another small fix gregor-lib now Just Builds with racket2nix, which is on the one hand nice, but on the other hand doesn't help you solve your problem.
When I'm back in Hong Kong and have a more powerful computer, I will have a look at reproducing your issue in guix.
@cwebber A user-install, just raco pkg install gregor-lib, works without issues on NixOS. But you did have some things in your ~/.racket that you successfully installed there? Gregor is the first thing that makes trouble?
@cwebber I have the issue with it wanting to recompile things (and have a really dirty workaround for it), but that's because I'm doing the multiple installation scope thing and it's bad at finding the already compiled files, but you're just doing the normal raco pkg install thing to user scope, so I don't get why it's making trouble.
But I'll have a look next-next week.