@vertigo@natecull If you look at the early Oracle stuff, you'll find a total parallel world for all the things we just take for granted. datafiles, tablespaces, db blocks, extents, segments, roles, TNS, and so on. It's all a duplicate world from an alternate universe because it was developed at a time when VMS was great and the Internet and Unix hasn't dominated everything. It's like the Emacs UI which got started before current GUIs so you have frames, windows, kill, yank, point, buffer, etc.
#mastodon Current state of mastodon-backup: it will log in and download all your statuses into a JSON file. https://github.com/kensanata/mastodon-backup My goal is to write a transformer that will just turn the JSON file into a HTML file. Alternatively, if you already have such a tool, please contribute? :)