@gameragodzilla Fediverse is the terminology people use to refer to the whole network as a thing, as opposed to one specific server on it.
Annah (maiyannah@community.highlandarrow.com)'s status on Monday, 22-Aug-2016 19:13:02 UTC
AnnahYou can tell the ones that aren't going to be around long in the fediverse. They're the ones that come on with bombastic ideas of how it should be and how everythings wrong and then tend to fuck off when they realize the thing they spent all day calling a hugbox isn't actually going to validate their shit opinions.
I get a diverse group from anarchists to communists to left wing to right wing to conservatives to liberals because I engage with a bunch of different people from a bunch of different instances. We don't always agree - in fact in many cases we don't - but we can hold civil adult discussions and debates because we treat one another fairly. If you get hostile responses, perhaps its because someone interpreted what you were saying as hostile and rebuked it in kind. This isn't a place people are going to keep the kiddie gloves on. And that's just the way I prefer it.
@bob It's much easier just to switch to a Linux OS without that fuss. Microsoft has noticed this too, it's why they're trying to infiltrate Linux with these latest programs.
@gameragodzilla @bob It takes people of a particular moral calibre to resist that call, and honestly, those kinds of people are typically of the kind of personality to try to work within existing systems to change them from within, rather than usurp them. Usurpation of systems tends to be the reaction of aggressive personalities, and aggressive personalities usually don't gel well with being in positions of power.