@hikerus Indeed, and you know, the problem is not with pump.io, it's with some incompatibility with Android embedded Web view, used by !AndStatus: adding Twitter account suffers from the same problem, see https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/406 As now I can reproduce this, I can start fixing the problem. Thank you for your help!
!AndStatus v.17.0 released. "Sending attachments fix for legacy servers" 1. Fixed: gnusocial . no, quitter . no, quitter . es and some other servers didn't allow sending attachments via AndStatus due to HTTP protocol incompatibility. "Use legacy HTTP protocol" option added to a Social network editor to allow posting images to such servers. 2. References to a "Microblogging system" changed to a "Social network". 3. Portuguese translation added, thanks to Sérgio Marques. 4. User Guide in different languages is starting to appear. 5. Settings restructured. Separate sections for a Timeline and Attachments created. 6. ACRA crash reporting added.
@vulgon@social.bka.li Actually it's not !AndStatus but Android system, which deletes everything related to AndStatus. Your observation may mean that Android didn't delete "Android accounts of AndStatus type". I don’t know if this is an Android bug or a feature... You may try to reboot after uninstall before next install.
@mmn @knuthollund I can't find a similar setting for mod_fastcgi though so maybe it was just a shot in the dark. I will try !AndStatus to #quitter.es and see what happens.
@speeddefrost "Nobody needs 'microblogging', they want socialization" Thanks for the reminder. For me this is the last drop to cause renaming of "Microblogging system" references in #AndStatus into "Social networking site". I think the "site" term sounds simpler and closer to what !andstatus currently lists as "Microblogging systems", than "server", "instance" or "service"?!
I threw some leftovers from some #WebMoney tests I did a couple of years ago, @andstatus - but you'll get a bigger donation in a couple of days :) !andstatus
@mk Many of your recent questions are not specific to !andstatus, but are about Android design and terminology. I agree that some users may only start learning Android via figuring out how AndStatus works. This is exactly why we created FAQ for in a form of "Questions" in the Issues section https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues As I see it now, User Manual will not be too long, but it will have links to these Q&A, allowing not only to read, but to ask and to take part in discussions. There is a ticket on a User Manual enhancement https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/229
für mich hört sich das Ganze so an, wie beim letzten Mal vor 2 Wochen. !andstatus kommt aus irgendeinem Grund in eine Schleife und dann nicht mehr daraus. Wobei es ja das letzte Mal mit der Neu-Installation ja geklappt hatte...
isch hab nüschts gemacht + es tut immer noch (auch nach upgrade). @b hat !andstatus upgegradet + Probleme seitdem. "insecure ssl" Option tut net bei mir, mit "misconfigured ssl" geht's. bei @b führt aber beides zu keiner Verbesserung des Dilemma