@moonman BTW I tried for like an hour to figure a way to glue two repos and gave it up and just put it in there with copypaste, sorry if that bothers you
That's how it always goes. We never want to acknowledge that racism isn't itself confined to a certain label. For instance, how much Obama's been banging on about how that shooter didn't represent blacks.
Racism isn't a black thing, it's not an asian thing, it's not a white thing, it's a racist asshole thing.
At the same time we really need to acknowledge and respect that certain attitudes and cultures encourage othering people and thus racism. Having a culture so deeply ingrained on conflict with the outgroup as American culture of the last ... five years, I say ... has been, is not healthy, and racism is just a symptom. They need to address the root cause, but politicians, and other influential organizations don't want to treat the cause, just the symptoms as neccesary, because they can use it to their own means to galvanize people to their causes.
@karl Picking favourite episodes of DS9 once that series found its feet is like choosing favourite forms of sex. Duet was a good one though. I liked that one dominion war episode with Quark watching over his brother too, though I forget the name offhand. DS9 in general did a good job of displaying the "humanity" of its various characters, good and bad and a lot of in between.
@verius The best part of this image is it is true. We also broke a record for long-distance shooting when a sniper took out an afghani militant from basically the next country over. https://community.highlandarrow.com/attachment/289
@verius The RCMP are ... basically the Canadian sterotype, most of the time. Polite, to a fault, yes ma'am, no ma'am, g'day, and so forth, their code of conduct basically prescribes that. But when the chips are down, the only way to get more badass than the RCMP ... is basically JTF-2. ... who are also Canadian.
He got made the Canadian amabassador to Ireland or something like that, and he was attending an event there with a local dignitary, and someone like rushed the guy and Vickers tackled him and restrained him.
@gameragodzilla @katiekats This is why the CBC made a point of covering Sgt Vickers rather than the shooter, when we had the shooting at the War Memorial here.
@kevie Thanks. It's not the first time in my life it's happened so I'm not worried about like, dying or something, but that's not to say it isn't pretty rough. Last time they put me on this really strong medication that did help but made me zone out a lot.
They think the symptoms I describe were the early signs of a stroke. It wouldn't be my first, and it's a constant concern with my underlying condition being what it was and fucking with circulation as it does. They're doing tests on stuff they got from me and all that now. I'm probably going to try to sleep while I can. I might be here for a while, at least until they're sure the danger's passed.
I am having an open call for !postActiv contributions. I am specifically looking for things people think GNU social or federated social networks in general should do that they don't already, or do differently. Basically, I want opinions of what people want changed, fixed, added, or done better, to give me ideas of where to focus my efforts in improving this software.
I am also looking for people who know PHP and can follow a coding standards document to help out, probably on a system of bounties for doing X bit in issues or something. I will have to flesh out the details of that part, though.
@purplehippo Would be nice if we can just let Twitter be the outrage machine and be sensible and reasonable over here. Which we generally are, but every now and again it bleeds through.