@aral The whole point is that if the software is libre, the power is among the commons to use it for good (or bad). The underlying requirement for an open, democratic society is transparency, so in that sense libre software is a requirement. But also - considering it _is_ free/libre - there is nothing contradicting per say in the use of !fs for surveillance, military projects etc.
I agree though that one may very well argue that Google has clauses forbidding their developers to barely even touch AGPL software etc, but there is lots of code there available _for_ AGPL software that is maintained and possible through Google (because it's some kind of MIT/Apache/BSD license).
Exxon's afaik never supplied the boats - or even the fuel (oh that'd be funny), which Greenpeace need when they go out to put banners on oil rigs and whatnot.
@aral afaik FOSDEM is about free and open source software, which Google sponsors greatly. The comparison to Exxon mobile and Greenpeace is simply faulty.
I think I should answer with this post by @moshpirithttps://quitter.es/notice/4530320 Boeing "sedated" and having consciousness are still pretty far apart. Nevertheless, it doesn't nätter because vegetarianism is far from exclusively based on the minimalisation of individual suffering. The scope is much wider. Global, even.
With the gnawing perspective in the back of my head that these people begging for money actually, honestly, think the system that is failing them is still worth all the pain and suffering it causes.
What I dislike the most about the newfound popularity of the !fediverse are all the people asking for money. Either it annoys me because I don't fully understand these peoples' very real situation - with me thinking that gosh darnit, if they have an internet connection (and most often a phone as well) then they're already pretty darn well off. But maybe it just mostly annoys me because it simply reminds me that money is still a requirement in this world and that these people are apparently in a situation where they are far too dependent on the "system" to exist for just a little while longer - so it'd be insensitive to encourage them to just work for a dismantlement of capitalism.
@mcscx FYI it's not actually a bank's ATM, it's some third party that sets up these machines and maintains them. I've got no idea what their terms of agreement are with neither the user or the bank...
@goldbrush Det var hårdvarufel tydligen och jag litar på att om @3mp0 och @hannes2peer (som är admins på quitter.se) skulle planera nedläggning någon gång så meddelas det. För infons skull så kan det nämnas att om en vill underlätta/hjälpa driften så kan en stödja http://enkompiskompis.se/sv - eller ännu bättre, aktivt motverka kapitalismen och främja revolutionen.