What I dislike the most about the newfound popularity of the !fediverse are all the people asking for money. Either it annoys me because I don't fully understand these peoples' very real situation - with me thinking that gosh darnit, if they have an internet connection (and most often a phone as well) then they're already pretty darn well off. But maybe it just mostly annoys me because it simply reminds me that money is still a requirement in this world and that these people are apparently in a situation where they are far too dependent on the "system" to exist for just a little while longer - so it'd be insensitive to encourage them to just work for a dismantlement of capitalism.
- ghostDancer likes this.
With the gnawing perspective in the back of my head that these people begging for money actually, honestly, think the system that is failing them is still worth all the pain and suffering it causes.
Just end your misery! End capitalism.
@zoowar To capitalism? Preferrably a system that doesn't allow people to starve/suffer/die just because they don't conform to salary slavery.
@zoowar A system wherein everyone have a fundamental part of the commons which ensures survival. Necessecities required to survive/live should be distributed equally without any requirement of payment of any kind.