Small idea: before updating a table, let the administrator see how much rows are in to let the admin know, how much cups of coffee needs to be prepared ...
I have just reported a #bug in #Payara (and #Glassfish) that needs fixing, it looks like the container becomes confused with all the remote interface calls, JMS message queues and all the annotations (that are all needed, of course): cc !java #javaee #ejb
I can call myself lucky to be a #dad of a small #half-pinay (girl). She was born 2 days ago at 06:24 (a.m.) and is a real beaty. :-) I holded her already in my arms and from day to day I don't want to miss her. #happydaddy
My wife is now #pregnant in 4th month. We went to #ultra-sonic today and the baby is a girl. :-) So I'm becoming a #dad of a #half-pinay then.
No, it is #Poltikerverdrossenheit which translated more to politician apathy. People are interested in politics not just in the currently persons who acts "on behalf" on them, which are the politicians.
So is a picture upload service like #instagram is based on !gnusocial ... I would recommend to enable/allow #OpenID based logins so everyone can easily login with his/her existing account. Remember if you don't know it, it is your profile's URL. Seems not to work with some forums?! is a "good" example (not working is not good, I know).
Grundsaetzlich lehne ich militaerische Schlaege ab, egal wie sie geartet sind, da immer (!) Zivilisten drunter leiden. Man soll es immer zuvor anders loesen, z.B. durch Austrocknung der Ursache. Woher kommt wirklich #Terrorismus ? Weil die Menschen keine Zukunft haben? Wieso geben wir dann ihnen nicht eine? Wie auch immer das genau aussehen mag, ich halte fuer die vernuenftigste Art. Weil Waffen haben noch nie etwas geloest, nur verschlimmert.