@koherecoWatchdog@peter the fact of the matter is that standard of living in US in Europe is actually dropping. People have reduced purchasing power compared to the 70s, they own less, they work harder, they have reduced social safety nets.
It's not that the west reached a plateau, it's that the system is eating itself with wealth being consolidated by the top percent of the population.
@koherecoWatchdog who exactly is being oppressed and how are they being oppressed?
If you actually look at any surveys from China they show that people do not in fact think they're being oppressed, they overwhelmingly support their government, and their lives have been improving on an unprecedented scale.
@koherecoWatchdog@peter plenty of other countries like India had much more room for improvement, yet China is the one country where life is actually improving.
@clacke@koherecoWatchdog correct, democratic centralism says that the society decided on communism being the right approach, and the scope of debate is limited within that scope.
However, it's worth noting that even in China there are actually 8 parties, where the other parties advice CPC and engage in debate.
@koherecoWatchdog what actually matters is which class holds power in society, and under communism it's the proletarian class, thus there is one proletarian party.
@koherecoWatchdog I don't know why people think that having more parties means having more meaningful freedom. It's demonstrably not the case in practice.
One party states rely on social and economic stability to stay in power. That aligns the interests of the party with the interests of the people.
It's ironic that you talk about brainwashing while simply regurgitating propaganda tropes that have been thoroughly addressed many times already.