— Person that doesn't polarize their display in $current_year civ:"Why is your monitor turned off?" me: "Ah, because I have bad eyes sight." Mil grade shit: "Why is your display going crazy?!?" me: "Classified" https://shitposter.club/attachment/705991
@clacke @chrismartin @argumatronic@mastodon.social @ttuegel this entire thread is cancer: What is GPG/PKI? What is Cryptographic signing? What's public listing/servers? What's a News Group? What's Classified ads? What's the twenty first century?
@clacke @moonman @aven look up meshnet groups in your area, if not, make one. I had good luck in an expedition to Buenos Aires because the people were receptive to installing Cantennas for their first time connecting online ever. At most, many only need local information: weather, traffic, food: basically local news. When you can read the documentary of the Cuban: "El Packete" Or the Package, and how they made their own under meshnet.
@clacke @moonman @aven And now we have CJDNS's Hyperboria. Please, join and automate as many devices as possible. The likelyhood of an Internet shutdown, is eminent, Even if it's not Europe or North America.
@moonman @aven @clacke I always forget to remind people of that: even you VPN can technically sell you out, even from clerical error! The latter has happen too often! IIRC too there was a ECHO technique that any peer in the same VPN can identify all users connected to the node: NSA et alters where completely taking advantage of that exploit, and was discovered a few months back
@clacke @aven Anyone in ECHELON, which that party has increased. Seriously, rogue and illegal activities are often sold at large to other countries to bypass blame on responsible parties. E.g. Sell you USA internet histor to GCHQ, and get it back.
@lambadalambda @shp I forgot you don't know my testimony here! I am Donatorfag: I dox/search the developers addresses, and donate raw money via mail. I did especially so for Nitro+