Curiosidad con el número de decimales de #Pi en #Python
Existen varias maneras de invocar el valor de Pi en Python, pero no es nada trivial mostrar un número grande de decimales. La manera más sencilla es importar su valor de NumPy o Math. Por ej. si uno lo hace desde Math
>>>import math >>>print(math.pi) >>>print(round(math.pi, 100))
se obtiene en ambos casos el valor con 15 decimales.
With SQL, at least, it seems to be an artifact of the way their hands-on code runner works (Displays a short `head` of the relevant tables ... so when you're working on queries, you may not have a direct way to see whether your query does specifically what you expected and intended.)
With R-Lang, it is just that it isn't always apparent what the language will do. Some things are inexplicably backwards compared to most other languages I've seen, so mentally I tend to go with the wrong choice. Also, the practice question set is too small. I've reached the point where some of the practice exercises are familiar enough that I know which answer to choose immediately without having any understanding of why that is the correct choice.
Their continuing practice exercises seem to emphasize the smallest tripping factors, but I guess that will be useful if I'm ever paid to use these languages for data analysis.
That's a frequent thing on their courses, but I've never encountered it with #Coursera or #Udemy or #Udacity or / #LinkedInLearning. It feels like they're intentionally tripping me up with gotchas.
@clacke Do you have some knowledge in #Python or configuring and running such scripts? Then you can build your own (different!) index. If you like you can try my massively changed and now different version of #FBA : You can clone it with: git clone git://
#Raku is a descendant of #Perl (same creator; indeed Raku was originally Perl6, but by the time it was released, most people were aware it was a completely different language, so they eventually changed its name).
I've pretty much not used Perl in twenty years (I used it once in a project at work about 18 years ago, as part of a report processing pipeline, alongside #Python, Windows #Batch, and #KiXtart), so the demo programs seem to have purposes that are too large for language starters. I feel like it is supposed to glue itself onto "oh, I know that from Perl!" memories, but I don't remember Perl.
What I remember most was that I liked it a lot when I learned it (college class), but as soon as I started trying to use it in real life I found that "there's more than one way to do it" equals "write once, read never". I used it in that pipeline because it excels at what I needed it to do (text processing) which helped take an ever-growing log file and find relevant events from the past day ... and because I knew the script would never need to be edited.
Over a few days I wrote a bunch of #C++, #Rust, #Haskell, and #Python. Something I don’t get is that while I might say that Python has the most extensive ecosystem, it seems to have the worst tooling in terms of package management and LSP features (clangd, rust-analyzer, hls, and pylsp). How does that happen? Why don’t the economics that plow programmer hours into Python libraries raise the level of its tooling?
I don't want to harsh anyone's mellow, but all the #python folks posting source to social media using - Your code DOES look totally cool! But people with disabilities can't read it :( You can't read an image with a screen reader. You also can't zoom the font if you're visually disabled like me. We should find better solutions that don't lock whole swaths of people our of sharing the love :) #accessibility matters! Thanks for listening.
The most interesting feature included is PEP 622 -- Structural Pattern Matching , similar to Scheme's (match), but a bit less powerful and spelled in Python. That's worth an #HPREp.
The most interesting feature *not* included was PEP 563 -- Postponed Evaluation of Annotations, which was slated for inclusion but was pushed to 3.11 to sort out some details regarding libraries like Pydantic that rely on reflection on declared types.
Looking for a hostable #pastebin for longer-term pastes. #PHP or #Python preferred. Definitely not Node.JS (so Hastebin is out, even though it otherwise looks impressive).
We already have a PrivateBin for short-term pastes, but it has no concept of membership, and I really want this one to be primarily for !fnetworks members' use.