The key to get my inspiration back was to not think about 'what I should do' - but instead just do what ever I feel like when I feel like it, and already tonight my inspiration is coming back. I think the issue I had was over-thinking what I felt I should work on, and then I killed my inspiration \ motivation by constantly thinking about that. Now that I'm better at ignoring that I can already see it coming back.
So - tonight I did some experimentation with some procedural shapes.. here's a test render from that
@maiyannah It still has some noise in it etc, I'll tweak the shaders and such some more, and also adjust some more lighting before I'm happy, but I like it already.
rendertime for that particular image was 1 hour, I did not want to run it over night since it makes a lot of noise when rendering (cpu+GPU at full throttle) so I had to stop it at that for today.
@boris For this one I did not use Blender, I'm using Houdini ( ) for this.
I have to admit that I'm spending time learning Houdini, there is no other application that comes close to what houdini does (workflow and such), and after using 3dsmax every day for 16 years it feels fantastic to get the workflow that houdini has, so much to learn, feels like starting all over again. I still use blender for things, but my main focus is now on Houdini
@boris here's a screenshot of it in the application.