@alex AndStatus may seem slow only during initial loading. Starting from that, it syncs in a background, including downloading pictures. So when you open a timeline at the place where you left it, you only have to scroll... BTW, Is it really so not obvious that in AndStatus every list item has a context menu, which is opened by a long tap? I saw one user wrote that AndStatus is "a timeline only, no replying or favoriting..."
@daithib8 @roland@f.haeder.net Context menu in a form of a button makes sense, when you already selected one item/message. In AndStatus this is a “Conversation" view. But in a Timeline you should have such "Context menu button“ in every row?!
@resi Compare these 3 options in Twitter timeline with 12 items in the context menu of AndStatus. I would say that Twitter app looks functionally much poorer and it wastes space for the the same buttons at every row :-( But maybe this is "cooler", simpler and hence better for 98% of Users? https://loadaverage.org/attachment/2886235
@ginbe I think that the easiest way to simplify the UI is to open a context menu on a short tap instead of current long "tap and hold". The context menu does have "Open conversation" item already, so conversation tree will still be accessible, although via additional click. What do you think? @alex @taknamay @resi @daithib8 @roland@f.haeder.net
@andstatus That was just my 2 cents, I am just your average user with zero knowledge about app development nor UI designs. I'm happy with your app, thanks for your hard work!
Added "Long press to open Context Menu" setting (defaulting to OFF) to the new "Gestures" section of AndStatus settings. So, from now on, by default context menus are opened by Tap ("Single click") on an item. Tapping on a User's avatar is the most reliable gesture. Tapping a body of a message in a Timeline does the same, but in a Conversation view links in a message body become clickable, so tap may launch an Internet Browser or open a Context menu, depending on exact place, where a User clicked message body. On gestures and their terminology see https://www.google.com/design/spec/patterns/gestures.html.
Thank you all for helping me realize that this simple change really changes User's experience for good :-)