Alright, now !GNUsocial nightly can differentiate between identically named groups on different servers when typing. Like so: !fediverse and !fediverse (written as !
- vinzv likes this.
- Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at and vinzv repeated this.
In !GNUsoviet however, only one state recommended group exists per field of interest.
I'm thinking there should be an auto-join to increase UX, in case someone writes a full ! identifier which they are not already part of. Should it happen for bare-nickname group mentions too, in case there's only one hit? What do you think, !fediverse?
Thanx ! Fully Qualified Groupnames is the best reason yet for me to upgrade! Was it a difficult fix? !fedgroups
#AutoJoin should be a configurable setting for the Group Admin. In some cases, I may not want people to accidentally join the group merely by mentioning it. As a user I don't necessarily want to receive messages from groups I've accidentally mentioned. #AutoJoin may increase the reach of a spam notice. #SNot
@bobjonkman It was pretty simple, but hacky. There's no current method of #WebFinger discovery for groups, so it iterates the locally known groups with the same 'nickname' and then joins the (first) one that has the same nickname and has its "mainpage" (in all known cases the group's HTML URL) on the same server as after the '@' + the poster is a member.
This shouldn't cause issues because people don't join malicious groups. Because people always do the right thing. Right?