@gemlog Here We had Fat Thursday and tomorrow Tuesday is the burial of the sardine, "El entierro de la sardina" in which we burn an image/figure of a sardine among the cries of disguised people. It's a representation of the death of the old and the beginning of the new "year" (spring) in some villages is quite an event @clacke@Ruticl
@steve If it weren't cool and interesting enough science this is even incredible. Thanks for the link to the video. I guess you can become used to it but from outside is wow!, for the lack of a better expression in my vocabulary.
@sean I think it shocked me too hard so I could not react just stood and watched everything then I accepted it instead of freaking out. BTW that night the rabbit was delicious and I knew it was the one I have pointed. Obviously I told my parents everything during dinner.
@sean I had something like that with rabbits but then we went to a really small village on the mountains on holidays when I was like 10 years old, the woman of the house told me -go down and tell my husband I need a rabbit for dinner. Went, told the man and he asked me. - which one do you like? I pointed at one, the the man took it and broke his neck, later I saw how he skinned it. The little urban kid that was me learn an important lesson that day.
@clacke When we bought the new desktop computer for son I put it a wifi usb dongleno wireless card, so every night before he goes to bed he has to put it next to his phone in the living room.