The weather down here has been really crappy the last week, so much rain, typical south Norway summer... But tomorrow the weather will be nice again, so then I'll head out withe kids for a nice walk in the forest. Today I'm just chilling, coding some more on #yaics , trying to fix some more bugs on it. And later I'll play some 'FreeOrion' - , great 4X strategy game if you like that kind of thing.
@stigatle > a patent application does not necessarily mean the company ever had plans to use the tech. Looks like someone has still some "high" hopes for faceberg for a site that has a very bad track record of ""protecting"" user data which it doesn't do at all. So if they don't want to use the software/technology for their patents then why would they apply for one in then in the first place? Either they use it later as a leverage for law suit or they will make actually a usage of the patents they filled for, and knowing how faceberg behaves nowadays I am pretty sure it won't take that long that they are going to make usage of it as soon it is viable for them to do.
Just in case someone missed it - #yaics windows version has been updated. you can grab the precompiled 'unstable' build from , (scroll down to the download links). The latest feature added is the 'delete' button for your own statuses. \\ cc @hikerus
You can now delete your own status from #yaics , I need to do a bit more work on the buttons though, because I need to clean up the way the buttons are shown in the statuses, they are showing up in some status types that should not have 'repeate, fav ,reply' etc buttons. This is mostly the 'information' statuses. Like when you favourite something from another user etc. But the cool thing now is that you can dele statuses at least :)
I will clean up code tonight and most likely get it checked in tomorrow, I'm running out of time today.
@pati @mcscx2 @einebiene I see very few statuses in the timeline. Has been like this for over a week ( @knuthollund knows about it). I'm just being patient and waiting for it to be resolved :)
stig atle ('s status on Saturday, 22-Jul-2017 09:43:22 UTC
stig atlesuccessfully crosscompiled #yaics for windows on linux. (writing from it through wine now). So now I do not need my windows VM just for compiling #yaics for windows. I will make auto-build scripts tonight that builds and uploads a 'nightly' build on each commit, so that users can grab that between stable releases.