@ajroach42 One thought that came to mind when reading this again: Although the concepts where foreign, the explanation treats the reader as a grown up human that wants to use a tool. Not as a consumer of some show effect. Also compare the Jupiter ACE manual that explains Forth to the general populace.
@clacke@kaniini And XDA culture is everything I despise. Some people invest a lot of time (or not?) and then throw binaries in zips hosted on questoinable servers at you...
does anyone of you own a Lemote Yeelong netbook and does not need it anymore? Mine has a dead battery and a replacement is impossible to find it seems.
Every now and then I see the argument that people shut down their XMPP server because they communicate only with a handful of people over it.
This has been the main reason to keep my XMPP server as it is a great way to hook up all kinds of people to chat with me in real time through one of the most secure e2e encryption schemes we have available today.
2-3 people's chat less on the record is still a win imho.
Oh a gnu social client written in a memory safe and sane language: pleroma. Needs elixir, and based on phoenix something server.
Ok, let's have a look.
From the docs:" At this point, we should have Elixir, Erlang, Hex, and the Phoenix archive installed. We should also have PostgreSQL and node.js installed to build a default application."