@dtluna @delores trump is playing a cartoon bad guy in a show where he takes the blame for the destruction of America by the (((Globalist Deep State))).
@steve Oh and BTW, I'm not at all anti-semitic, I have deep sympathy for the suffering of Palestinians who are semitic, at the hands of mostly non semitic Jewish invaders.
I do however dislike Jews intensely, because of what they do.
@steve @dogjaw Yes Einstain was a filthy lying kike, along with Marx and Freud, responsible for the destruction of our culture and society with their sick poisonous ideas.
@steve OH you are such a moron , The CMB experiment failed to find the predicted temperature, and can be explained in many other ways, and the data was massaged to get the pictures promoted as evidence of the big bang.
The margins of error of the experiment are greater than the data it claims proves the Big bang.
@steve you are an idiot kill yourself, Hubble discovered the red shift, not that galaxies are receeding, he made no hypothesis to explain the observation.
Piss off with your smug, self righteous, patronising bullshit, you don't know what you are talking about.
@steve baseless speculation invented by a Catholic priest with no evidence other than the questionable interpretation of the red shift, which Hubble himself made no hypothesis to explain, his pupil Halton Arp has found differing red shifts in closely located bodies, invalidating the big bang completely.
lol no. It has to invent nonsense like dark matter.
The electric universe theory explains observed phenomena without imaginary fudge factors and creation myths, has made accurate predictions, and can be verified with small scale experiments here on earth.