@emsenn More like what we've done with the internet is remove the requirement of a driver's license and prior knowledge. IT's a tool that can cause damaged when misused, people should learn how to use IT before getting behind the driver's seat.
@boneidol It's actually a proprietary app which tracks people and presents itself as "anonymous communication on your campus" or something. Users get the impression they're anonymous.
Jag tänker mig att när folk matchar på d33p.l0v3 så får endera part ange koordinater. Sedan får den parten bestämma när för lång tid har passerat och ev. skicka nya koordinater för möte (båda parter kan initiera en ny mötesplats). Ju fler nya mötesplatser som bestäms desto svårare blir det för SÄPO att mobilisera tänker jag. Även om det förstås behöver finnas ett samförstånd mellan dessa två anonyma turturduvor i hur koordinaterna ska beaktas (ska en spurta dit så fort som möjligt t.ex. eller är kutym att ange ett par falska positioner först?). @baader @nidron
I may have to avoid Mastodon until this #DeleteFacebook thing blows over.
It's pushing all my "people being wrong on the Internet" buttons. All of them.
Friends! Stop being idiots! Please!
The fact is, the Fediverse does not protect your data or the social graph AT ALL. Anyone who wants to harvest your data, can. It's virtually all 100% public!
At least Facebook has some speedbumps.
If we replaced Facebook with the Fediverse tomorrow, privacy would suffer immeasurably.
"[I]t emerged that they [Facebook researchers] had been conducting secret research on more than 6.4 million Australian youth as young as 14 years old to determine when they were at their most vulnerable, experiencing feelings of being “worthless” or a “failure” in order to better target them for advertisers"