Web page I was reading suddenly grays out, "We have discovered you're using an ad blocker..." Well, I just discovered I don't want to read your web page.
- and ghostDancer like this.
- ghostDancer repeated this.
@nybill and not only with ad blockers sometimes private browsing gives you the same "thrilling" experience
@ghostdancer Wait till the masses figure out how to do all this blocking as easy has phones have made encryption for them. The whole system will crumble. :P
@nicolasmaia I'm using adblock plus and Noscript. I set them up every time I set up a Linux box. But, I have heard of web pages fighting back with Adblock-blockers. Now there are Adblock-blocker-blockers. When will they figure out that we just don't want to be sold to?
@nicolasmaia @maiyannah Those people buy Cable TV. (and even there I've worn the letters off all of my remote control 'mute' buttons.)
@nicolasmaia Thanks for that. I'll have a look.
@teslasmoustache @dtluna Never knew. I just want to go back to a dial up BBS at times...
@navigium Yep, I use that as well. There is just an 'arms race' out there ATM.