@perloid I nearly always add some veggies like spring onions. Also often garlic (if I don't have fresh I use chopped garlic preserve), and sometimes I replace the packet of chilli powder often included by a teaspoon of (Chinese) chilli oil. I like my !noodles spicy! :)
@perloid right now I'm #having 'Huong vi tom' (plus diacriticals) 'Shrimp pFlavor' from Vina Acecook: this actually contains a package of chilli oil (it just says 'oil'): one of the details by which Vina Acecook varieties are often better quality than the same variety from other brands.
@perloid I learned to love instant !noodles in China, as "train food" - sometimes they sell bowls (it comes in cardboard bowls there) on the train, but to be sure of a meal it's best to buy beforehand. First time I bought in ÜrÚmchi at a sort of street stall - I just had to go by the pictures on the packages and pointed out two. Then I asked (mimed) for chopsticks and the friendly lady somehow mimed there would be a fork inside the package: sure enough, there was. I loved it, and from then on started looking for more varieties, and in China always buy noodles to eat on the train. :D