I realize that this is of course my decision in the end, but with a job seeming imminent, I need to figure out if it is enough to go back to Music Manumit (and sportazine, Ryno's stuff). I had still be doing #MMP scheduling during my three-week hiatus.
As an aside, I've long not been great at long-term multitasking. Summer school was always best. I'm great on standardized tests in part because of this. I just focus and clear everything away. Part of the reason it worked this time though is because I knew I was hurting Music Manumit by not taking notes. I wanted to get it done so I could go back.
This is obviously going to take multiple posts. I'll post a link to the thread in my next post, which will be syndicated. Everything else will go in this thread.
hmm, is this the proper URL for the entire thread? I don't think so.
I think I will have to finish this tomorrow. I'm losing steam and I told Wendy I would make almond brittle. I mean, I could make it tomorrow, but I might as well go ahead and get it done.
Anyway, I did have this written:
Despite knowing I am hurting MMP, I don't want to go back to being super-stressed out, and the #Orioles money won't start until...I don't know. The O's open away I'm pretty sure. Regardless, the home opener is April 10th. I don't know if we get paid for training or not. I would assume we would, but I'm not familiar with #Maryland minimum wage law (or particularly familiar with that federal law).
Wendy and I made the first of these decisions. I'll evaluate the others at a later date.