oh, btw: good morning duba udesanak wewa tere hommikust egun on jó reggelt bom dia (etc.) !tzag !fediverse. Hard wind and rain outside: perfect for staying in and pack stuff...
s/duba/suba/ !ytpo !ypot !grrr I should not type while still sleepy - #tea needed!
"Hard wind and rain outside" oh, now I know how the weather later will be here :-(
@mk so, the rain has started, let's see when the hard wind comes by
@tobias that was such fun in Leer two weeks ago, with people actually saying 'moin' as a greeting. I think the double form is only further east (and on my doormat).
@tobias but that doesn't fit its usage on a doormat which is definitely the initial greeting. Also, many people i n Groningen say 'moi' as a greeting (and reply) at any time of the day, and also as goodbye (people getting off the bus, for instance). Greetings are fascinating.