We skipped the Comprehension Age which should always come first so people are trained to effectively observe, analyze, evaluate, verify, question, challenge, organize, absorb, and share Information.
@brianstorms@countcol In "Nexus", or at least in an interview I saw regarding the book, Yuval Harari suggests that every new information age has an initial chaotic era before society figures out the insitutions required to handle the new technology. Among the first bestsellers with the new printing press were witch-hunting manuals.
I imagine another category of early print bestsellers was porn, just like with VHS and the internet.
It is one of the most prosecuted and banned books in history.
Kudos to John Cleland, you made a mark!
Makes me think of "Life of Brian", which was considered too blasphemous to show in Norway, and marketed in Sweden as so funny it's banned in Norway. π
@brianstorms@clacke@countcol the pornographers are always at the forefront of any viable new technology. Which is why their lack of interest in crypto currency is telling.