Our solar neighborhood! The code (Mathematica) for these plots is available here: https://github.com/mcnees/Solar-Neighborhood There is also a csv file white data for the 1000 nearest stars, so you can make your own visualizations if you don't have access to Mathematica.
The camera circles an axis through our Sun (the yellow dot at the center) and perpendicular to the galactic plane. The whole thing is about 100 light years across.
@mcnees Wow! I wish I could have become a real scientist so I could create marvelous maps like this!
I make maps for science fiction writers to assist them. I am muddling along with the Hipparcos star catalog,
Since scifi authors are interested in flight paths for their starships I did auto generation of paths. What worked best was iterating through the list of star systems ( singles, binary, trinary) and creating a path between that system and 2 closest neighbors. #StarMaps#AtomicRockets