@alanz @cwebber Just walking home from the bank.
racket-doc doesn't build unless I raise max file descriptors to 2048.
htdp-lib doesn't build unless I raise max file descriptors to 3072.
@cwebber It doesn't happen in the normal build when all packages are in the same place. But now that I've split everything into as many nix derivations as I can, I have a racket/config.rktd that is referencing a lot of directories as lookup paths. My guess is that it's simply keeping all those directories open for searching for source files.
@cwebber I have uncovered a bunch of potential improvements to racket during the course of this project. All of them stemming from the fact that it kindasorta supports having multiple system installation paths, but nobody ever does it, so there are a few, less than a handful but core, places in the code that think they can get away with (build-path (find-blah-path) "/somefile.rktd") rather that using the proper (blah-search-path) that even exists and is documented.
I think one is because it's in bootstrap and maybe not all variables have been configured yet, but another I think is just a mistake. But I'll have to examine them properly and write issues and patches.
This open files thing can probably be ameliorated if I set things up a bit differently. There's a whole bunch of improvements left to do on my side as well.
@cwebber I'm having fun and I'm getting paid. :-)
Thank Stewart and Fractalide! (sadly not present on this network)
@cwebber It's very cool. My is probably the most concise and concrete description of it. There is a lot to be said, and the website is pretty far up in the sky in visions of the future and all the things this will enable down the road, but the core of it is Flow-Based Programming, a HyperCard frontend, and language interoperability (Rust is implemented and now we're working on Racket).
We're working a cryptocurrency angle because that sector is in dire need of better programming tools (and languages!), but it is, or will be, a generally useful and interesting framework for structuring and composing software modules.
I'm currently in a high where I'm imagining all my vaporware projects implemented in this thing. I think it could be very suitable for web things, even though that's not at all what we're aiming at right now.
He's been trudging away on it for years more or less on his own, but now he's rounded up some money and some people (like e.g. me), so we can really get things moving. Super exciting.
@alanz @cwebber Or, phrased differently, the name of the fairground is Hong Kong.