@enkiv2 @kensanata This is why mentions keeping GCC 4.7 alive. Later versions won't even build from C, as parts are written in C++. So mescc can build TinyCC, which can build GCC 4.7 (this chain is a bit shaky yet), and then from there you can get on the GCC version treadmill. C and C++ move a bit less, so you won't have to build GCC 5->6->7, I suppose. Hopefully 4.7 can build 7.
@kensanata Rust is struggling with this. They build the latest Rust using the previous-latest Rust. A podcast I listen to has one guy working at SuSE, and they like many others want to build everything from source. Basically that turned into (a year ago) building 0.1 from OCaml, building 0.2 from 0.1 etc all the way up to wherever they are now.
(I don't know how Rust is versioned, version numbers for illustrative purposes only)
I think people are working on ways to short-circuit some of the version jumps on Rust, like making a C-built Rust-0.x-equivalent.
People on racket-users are discussing making a #lang rust for Racket, but that would be waay off in the future. And the question is always which Rust to target, as it's moving very quickly.
@kensanata So the short answer is: "yes" :-)
It would be cool if more self-hosting languages kept in mind to build from something like stage0.
@enkiv2 @kensanata I'm surprised to hear one would need 5-6 intermediate steps to build GCC from old GCC. It used to be that GCC took care to be able to build from the pre-existing system compilers on your proprietary Unix. I guess those days are gone. The drawback of success.