@utzer If #syncthing is, like Nextcloud, based on webserver, php and sql and doesn't need more than the physical RAM I have hope it'll work
Anyone using #Syncthing with lots of data (meaning some 100 GB) on an Raspberry Pi 2 or similar? Wondering if that would work as the server.
@utzer for comparison: I run a !Nextcloud on a low-end hosted vserver, 1 core, 512 RAM. I have the desktop client runnng on many computers→
@utzer also consider the !BananaPi "classic" with S-ATA connector (faster than the Raspberry with usb hdd), or the Odroid C2 with 2 GB ram.
@utzer the !Nextcloud desktop client doesn't have Delta sync, but I could e.g. a 4 GB file and it upload was resumed after a disconnection
@utzer *I could upload