Now with Solar Alert, protect yourself with the fastest and most reliable early warning system available. The next Carrington event can hit us at any time! Solar Alert is the complete safety system that will protect your life against the dangerous effects of the expected Carrington event or big solar storm. This important event will cause disasters such as accidents on all types of transportation, massive lack of food and water, for months or even years, and overloads in electrical networks that will render useless the appliances of millions of homes, causing massive fires in homes and buildings, where the lives of thousands of people will be at risk if they are not alerted in time. In a brief, simple and clear fashion, but also with plenty of technical data if required, Solar Alert warns you of possible obstacles presented that you and your whole family may have when dangerous solar storms occur; events that NASA scientists have already warned will undoubtedly occur in the coming years. With the help and information provided by this application, you will have the following advantages: