@brandon UUCP and FidoNet are going to become the next "retrospective future" in due time. In contemporary society, **NOBODY** is pure enough and you'll get whacked for the tiniest thing. This increases day by day.
I understand it coming out with both GOP & Constitution Party. I just don't understand why they think Mr. Kasich is a stalking horse right now. He's enjoying retirement.
@lnxw48a1 High Command doesn't understand that they've turned all the frontline jobs into life on K-19 The Widowmaker. Then again, the country went crazy when the current POTUS got elected. When the main topic of discussion at work among my fellow 8's and myself is when/how we're jumping ship as we're getting tired I think we've got systemic issues emanating from the highest command levels.
@lnxw48a1 Stocks go up, stocks go down...the tech sector is looking uneasy right now. There is a reason my meager holdings are concentrated in mid-sized broadcasting conglomerates, oil tankers, and armaments. Those are staying moderately stable. Sales staff are being pushed hard as this earnings season has been mediocre to bad for way too many companies.
@lnxw48a1 Little Buddy stopped posting to Twitter in 2018 it seems. The world could use some Cybersauce right now. I know Little Buddy would definitely either get people to lighten up in the Mastodon realms or cause one heckuva schism.
Annoyed that the 2M band is always dead in your town? Get your HT out this weekend and call CQ; Light up 2M night, this Saturday. Use your favorite information super highway search for more info.
@NYbill TV channel repacking did move a bunch of stations from decent propagation spots to really bad spots but thanks to the ATSC structural design you won’t see the real RF channel number on-screen but instead a vanity virtual one. WFXP Fox 66 in Erie PA actually sits now on UHF TV channel 28, for example. WUAB TheCW 43 in Cleveland actually sits now on VHF TV channel 10.