Stephen Sekula ('s status on Wednesday, 12-Jul-2023 20:05:13 UTC
Stephen SekulaFrom on Mastodon: For the one year anniversary of JWST, a *magnificent* image of an active star-forming region in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. About 390 lightyears away in the constellation Ophiuchus. Molecular hydogen is shown n red, lighter colored gas around the bright central star is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. More info: https://www. webb-celebrates-first-year-of-science-with-new-image Extended description: https:// ia/images/2023/128/01H449193V5Q4Q6GFBKXAZ3S03 Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, K. Pontoppidan (STScI) Image Processing: A. Pagan (STScI)
Stephen Sekula ('s status on Wednesday, 12-Jul-2023 11:45:19 UTC
Stephen SekulaIt has been a joy to spend time thinking about the challenge of detecting # darkmatter in such a vibrant, beautiful, and multicultural city as # Montreal . I have only been here once before, in about 2008, but I get much more time on this trip to walk the neighborhoods and enjoy the space and the people. And the dusting off of my French has gone … acceptably. I even learned how to ask if a shop can serve decaffeinated coffee, which I never though to ask for in France/Switzerland. Indeed, they did!
Stephen Sekula ('s status on Monday, 10-Jul-2023 08:56:32 UTC
Stephen SekulaFrom on Mastodon: What happens in neutron star mergers? Complex numerical simulation sheds light on an extreme cosmic process. It took the Japanese supercomputer “Fugaku” 200 days to compute the new model. ➡️ https://www. ng-neutron-star-mergers 📃 https:// 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.011401 (open access publication) # BinaryNeutronStar
Stephen Sekula ('s status on Monday, 10-Jul-2023 08:55:13 UTC
Stephen SekulaFrom on Mastodon: Was genau passiert bei Neutronenstern-Verschmelzungen? Aufwändige numerische Simulation bringt Licht ins Dunkel kosmischer Extremsituationen. Der japanische Supercomputer „Fugaku“ rechnete 200 Tage für die neue Modellierung. ➡️ https://www. ng-neutron-star-mergers 📃 https:// 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.011401 (Open-Access-Veröffentlichung) # Doppelneutronenstern
Stephen Sekula ('s status on Sunday, 09-Jul-2023 17:10:13 UTC
Stephen SekulaI finally think I discovered today why people like @ matthewfeickert could not see posts from my # Mastodon instance: I needed to add DNSs to the sidekiq and streaming docker containers. They could not, by default, map domain names to IP addresses, resulting in O(10,000) failed Sidekiq activities. I am redoing ALL of those failed requests now. Posts incoming and outgoing to my server should BALLOON in the next few hours.
@clacke Yeah I get that, here it's a file on my desktop that gets filtered by a script, there's stuff from nearly 10 years ago in there so I quite trust it. Meanwhile I don't trust a phone for even keeping contacts.
@clacke Medical science here is paid for with tax dollars and then the treatments and care are sold back to the taxpayer at high prices through a private system. AND states have sold the information to various entities—Texas sold theirs to the Pentagon, for some reason. So, it's a hellscape herre.
@brianstorms@clacke@countcol the pornographers are always at the forefront of any viable new technology. Which is why their lack of interest in crypto currency is telling.
@eliasr det var en händelse som fördes på Twitter när KD tog upp ämnet om SD:s rasistiska & nazistiska "förflutna". Åkesson blev rasande & påminde Busch att "självgoda finborgare" i KD styr landet under hans nåder. Buschs uttryckte att: "De [SD] har den bakgrund de har. Kom över det nu. Vi har uppenbarligen kunnat göra det. Hon erkände att hon & KD inte har några problem att ge inflytande åt SD & deras uppenbart levande rötter.