@kulprit yes, I know about Cajun French (and even have small collection of Cajun music!), but it's pronunciation of the French that trips me up - I know it's not what I hear in my head when I see a word, but I can't "predict" the actual pronunciation.
@kulprit perloid interestingly, when I saw the word (for the first time just now) I immediately understood: because Frech 'couler' (verb) means to run, stream (said of a fluid like water), coulee must mean something like "where it streams". I'll bet you would not (strictly) call a dry valley 'coulee'. But how do you pronounce it over there? When I see a french word (or name!) my brain automatically pronouces it like French - which I know in the US is mostly not correct :)
@mk @kulprit I like watching Canadian woodworker "L'gosseaux d'bois" on YouTube. His French version boggles my mind!
@perloid fun! I had two French-Canadian friends once, so it sounds a little bit familiar, but I can't really follow what he's saying. Little groups of words, here and there. But if I'd listen repeatedly I'm sure I'd start to understand more. Just no time for that now. :(