Does anyone have experience with the HRNGs which FSF is selling in its shop. I would order one to test, but my bank definitely does not like FSF and refuses any transactions with it.
- Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) repeated this.
@bob "my bank definitely does not like FSF and refuses any transactions with it"
Wut. Is that even legal? What blacklist are they on?
@clacke I don't know, since I havn't investigated it in detail. But I am sure that whenever I try to re-join FSF or buy anything from their shop by bank account gets suspended immediately and I have to go through a procedure to unsuspend it. That doesn't happen with any other site that I've used which involved a payment.
@bob *Your* bank account gets suspended? That's ridiculous. Wow.
Can't imagine what would happen if you would start trading BitCoins...
@clacke my guess is that either there's some prohibition on FSF, or there's some technical error which causes transactions to fail. If it were the latter though surely other people would be failing to subscribe/renew and there would be a bigger problem for FSF.
@bob Pretty terrible. Have you been considering other banks? Or do they all suck?