I don't care about understanding an attacker, really, except insofar is required to repel them. This basic principle applies to many segments of life. I do not have time to waste upon people whom would injure me, my principles, or the things I value. I do not care to fix them. In most cases, I care to destroy those assailants.
- Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) repeated this.
@maiyannah I do see the point of improving the world rather than coping, but there's a lot to be said for priorities and bang per buck.
@maiyannah I can also see the case where understanding helps with coping, e.g. understanding they're ignorant rather than insightful.
@maiyannah ... or finding the best barbed response to keep them from repeating.
@clacke Not everyone is worth the effort of educating, and its not my responsibility to fix the people who wish me harm.
@maiyannah Oh, certainly not. To each person their own priorities, but I can understand why some people would want to.
@clacke Whether a person is or is not worth the time is ultimately a judgement call, but I prefer to reserve my limited time and resources to bettering the people I care about, such as my loving wife or my handful of close friends. I kind of don't understand the deep importance some people place on internet acquaintances, and I say that as someone who, having the medical condition she has, communicates mostly via said internet, even with most of her close friends. But the obsession we see on say Twitter, of trying to fix or more accurately probably, make random acquaintances conform to our own image of what we feel is best, is quite vexing.
If someone I don't know on the street comes up and takes a swing at me, I'm either going to reciprocate, or I'm going to keep walking. I apply the same principle to functionally-similar activities on the internet.
@maiyannah I'm sure most of it is naivete, but then there's anecdotes like this one: ( #thisamericanlife )
@maiyannah I don't think it's an internet or Twitter thing. If one's mission is to improve the world, I totally get why one would want to.