There is something fucking wrong when three people with bombs can walk into the airport in Brussels as easy as a walk in the park.
Tell me again how good the mass surveillance is against the war on terror.
@futt Well, they where closely tied to the #1 wanted terrorist after the paris attacks, so how could they miss that until they blasted all those people to death?
@futt I understand what you say, and I do not disagree with you on it.
But to me it's just crazy that it can go that far, when they are tied directly to the #1 wanted guy, and then just walk in there like that. It's crazy.
If there was one place that should've been more secure against this exact thing it's there.
@futt Exactly the point I'm trying to say.
But - let's say one would have to go through security to get in - then they'd do it in that queue instead. So yeah - it ain't easy to solve.
They have dogs that can sniff that stuff out, and machines too, so why not use more of that on the way in to the building?.. Guess that they'll have to do something more now after this one.
Really sad and pointless thing to do.
Does not help them, does not help the rest of us either.
@futt they caught the third guy now, so that's good.
Well, I usually do not discuss thing kind of thing on social media, but today I could not be quiet any longer.