The loveliest human being has arrived in a healthy condition. #image | @copyme
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@mbjunior congrats to mother, father and the loveliest human being :-)
@mbjunior That's awesome! All the best wishes to your family!
@vinzv @lnxw48 @mcscx @zoowar Thank you. You guys live in my heart. And answering @copyme , we are like exhausted :-o dude, this little girl is a new source of energy to be discovered.
@mbjunior What wonderful news! Congratulations to mum and dad, and - especially - welcome to this world, little girl! (I missed the news before because I'm spending so much time traveling up and down between two cities, and then catching up each time... :( )
@mbjunior @copyme Wow i have not seen it before Congratulations! Enjoy It. And try to rest when you can, you'll need it :-)