@stigatle Congratulations! I've been soooo close several times but the machine has stopped functioning, the network has gone down or other problems causing it not to have run for two full months.
- stig atle likes this.
This morning I got the email that my #tor relay has earned me a tshirt!
Nice, looking forward to get it here so that I can wear it all the time.
two years ago I won one in a torproject contest, so this'll be the second one I get. The first one I got is all worn out, so it's time for a replacement.
@mmn I run it on my raspberrypi, most stanle machine I've got ;)
@stigatle I run mine on a machine from a 10-something year old cluster with known hardware issues in a dirty basement plugged into a not-earthed outlet in a way so you actually get an electrical schock when touching the case + something with lower potential .P
@mmn Electrifying your server case is a new level in security, I must say.
@mmn stanle = stable
@windigo Me and @nidron wrote a couple of entries in the zine #DetGrymmaSvärdet about the #DarkWeb. This server was mentioned along with the electrification as a reasonable "security measure for when the police raid the place because of a tor exit node". I certainly recommend others to do the same trick!