I like my current job quite a lot but if there's one thing I've learned by leaving stable gov't work for the private sector is that this stuff never lasts. I need to constantly keep learning and prepare for whatever might come next.
I'm super elated to be not be doing any web development work anymore, with the exception of assisting a client. I think my hopes for whatever comes next are that I continue to work with Free Software and that I move into a functional language in the Common Lisp or Scheme families.
That'll be a tough niche to break into. I've got a lot of studying to do for it as well. I'm also probably going to have to go back and re-take some of the CS courses I had in college to brush up since web development has dropped my programming knowledge down to I BUILD CRUD SCREENS REAL GOOD. Luckily those things are mostly gratis and easily accessed these days.