@perloid I'm fine wimping out on this and using Easytag. /cc @jonkulp
#TIL about pivot tables. Looks like they could be helpful in things.
@johnnynull that's what Ahuka said on #hpr. I haven't bothered to try really understanding them but TIL some cool Python methods.
@jonkulp I think I need to re-listen. Maybe I'll ping him. | "Python methods"? 'Splain please.
@johnnynull [warning LONG post] well I'm a python n00b and not a trained programmer, so I'll confess that programming terminology smacks of jargonism to me but best I can tell, a method is (technical def coming) "an action that's taken on something." Programmers would probably call that "something" an "object." The methods I learned today perform case transformations on strings (strings are any characters not treated as integers). E. G. the "title" method capitalizes every word in the string (my strings are usually sentences or groups of words) that's passed to it. The "upper" method makes every letter uppercase. These were significant b/c I already had sed scripts to do these things but python does em WAY easier. Learning easier ways. Doing it with python has other ramifications too b/c don't have to rely on xvkbd to retype new strings. Xvkbd didn't play well with qt apps. /me grabs this post as script for #hpr episode...
@jonkulp Oh, I thought you meant you could do pivot table stuff via cli or something. Thus my confusion.
@jonkulp I started poking at Python recently myself. Been shelved for a bit now.
@johnnynull nah I was just randomly changing conversation to be about me. ;)
@johnnynull I've had several false starts with Python, finally found sweet spot where it's perfect language for specific tasks I need to do.
@perloid @johnnynull haha I still want to learn Perl but I think Python wins foe now. It's very well suited for current nbeeds and besides that, it's the language my son is most interested in, so if I learn it we'll have much more to talk about and I can also help him with his projects.
@jonkulp @perloid @johnnynull cat $LASTPOST | sed -e 's/foe/for/' #BashStillWins
@perloid I imagine the new version will mean a resurgence in demand for training and presentations about the new features and changes too.
@perloid @johnnynull oh cool! Is there a special library for this, or is it just well-suited to the task?
@lnxw48 @perloid Can you already try out a beta version of it?
@jonkulp Perfectly good to do now and again. You should be proud of your accomplishments.
@perloid Never heard of the things 'til recently. Apparently I'm going to need to do them. Gotta spin up my Excel/Calc competence. @jonkulp
@perloid @jonkulp Think this weekend will wind up being a cram session (as much as can be had now).
@johnnynull me too! @perloid