@abhi1tb reading... that's interesting
@abhi1tb I see a mention of Aleppey - I've been there, too :)
@abhi1tb with good reason ;-)
@abhi1tb no, alas - we did make a Backwater trip though - sublimely relaxing, with a local meal (lunch) with a family along the way :)
@abhi1tb on the backwaters, november 2010
@abhi1tb on the backwaters, november 2010 - in the tiny village where we had lunch
@abhi1tb thanks :) it was actually very hard to take decent pictures from the constantly-moving boat!
@abhi1tb especially in India! I saw many 'poster fights' too: someone puts up a poster, someone else comes alomg, scrapes off most of, puts up his own poster, ... and so on :D Also interesting are the party symbols (found on the voting form, for the illiterate - that system is used in Yemen, too). I have many pictures of these things ;-)
@abhi1tb more pictures from India here:
@abhi1tb there are 4 or 5 different ones in that photo alone ;-) !photography
@abhi1tb this non-political one is still one of my favorites: - and don't miss the related story: !photography
@abhi1tb that's very interesting! Do you have a link?
@abhi1tb I *always* respect people's wish to either not be photographed, or even to be photographed (even if that is not my main theme) - I usually do not publish those photographs, and keep the not-taken ones in my head :)
@abhi1tb there's one difficult situation when a woman says yes, and her husband (who has the last word in their culture) says no; in that case I still do not take the picture.
@abhi1tb thanks :)
@mk I guessed. Professional photographers are very ethical. They were just enjoying college days. Sad thing is that they are engaged in other works and have given up photography.
@abhi1tb that is indeed a pity. I think photography - if taken a bit seriously, beyod snapping selfies - is actually good for the brain!
@abhi1tb ah, awesome! That's two different locations, even! thanks
@abhi1tb I found a good source for it, too (can't find it on "The Logical Indian", which I tried first):
@tregeagle do you have a link? there seem to be many different people called Bruce Chatwin, so I don't really know what you're referring to!
@tregeagle great, thanks. Reading that (without seeing) I can understand what you mean. The difference is that for me, culture comes first. I call what I do "cultural surfaces" - the humans are (nearly always) not in the frame but only "present" as makers and users of their built environment. See also my description here:
@tregeagle Yes, that helps. Thanks.