@cda Despite being a heavy emacs user I have always been very familiar with the CLI for git, so often that is faster for me if I know what changes I'm making. However, the longer I spend with magit the better it gets; still discovering new features. I think I have room in my heart for both magit and the CLI.
steeznson (steeznson@glasgow.social)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Dec-2023 12:07:33 UTC steeznson - Santa Claes 🇸🇪🇭🇰🎅 likes this.
Ciarán Ainsworth :funkwhale: (cda@fosstodon.org)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Dec-2023 12:07:34 UTC Ciarán Ainsworth :funkwhale: Magit really does just blow everything else away when it comes to git interfaces, doesn't it?