Homestuck is an Internet fiction series created by American author and artist Andrew Hussie in the first half of the 2010s. The fourth and best-known of Hussie's four MS Paint Adventures, it originally ran from April 13, 2009 to April 13, 2016. Though normally described as a webcomic, and partly constituted by a series of single panel pages, Homestuck also relied heavily on Flash animations and instant message logs to convey its story, along with occasional use of browser games.
Its plot centers on a group of teens who unwittingly bring about the end of the world by installing the beta version of an upcoming computer game, Sburb. The teens soon come into contact with a group of Internet trolls who are revealed to be horned aliens, and these trolls work with the kids to create a new universe by completing the game. It has been noted for its complex and nonlinear plot, considerable length at over 8,000 pages and 800,000 words, and intensely devoted fan community.
The success of Homestuck has resulted in numerous related projects and sequels, including the Hiveswap series of adventure games.