"Western Digital, Seagate and Toshiba have begun selling SMR drives without labeling them as such, thus revealing a large controversy, as SMR drives are much slower in some circumstances than PMR drives.[9] These practices were used to be in both data storage-dedicated (for servers, NASes and cold storage) and consumer-centric HDDs." [2]
Also, #TIL: SMR (Shingled magnetic recording) [3], PMR (Perpendicular magnetic recording) .
The OP explains why this is an issue in [4] and [5] and [9].
Also, #TIL (Today I learned) the terms: LMR (longitudinal magnetic recording [6], and PMR (Perpendicular magnetic recording) [7] ... I already knew generally about both processes, but did not have specialized terminology for them. (CMR [8] is a rename of PMR.)
All the NAS units I've purchased (possibly excepting #sonOne's, since I did not buy drives for him) also got WD Red NAS drives. Possibly they were older PMR/CMR drives, but since WD did not properly label their products, I do not know.
I'm just now learning of this, but I feel it is slimy beyond belief. If you know that the drive you're selling won't be able to complete a RAID rebuild, do not sell it as specialized for NAS devices, where RAID is a requirement.