@moonman @dielan At last report, #2019-nCoV #coronavirus still had a 2% fatality rate and has already infected more people than its relative #SARS did over a period of almost two years. If it gets loose here and tag-teams with #influenza, it could kill thousands. Or more.
I think it is justified to take it seriously. Not to the point that you poop in your pants and sit in the streets wailing, but preparations like stocking up on food, gloves, face masks for family and neighbors make sense.
By the way, I'm not talking about going to extremes. I'm saying that if necessary, it is sensible to be able to avoid public places for a few days.
I don't see the current #2019-nCoV strain of #coronavirus as a civilization-ender. Nor was the #SARS strain or the #MERS strain. As I said, take it seriously enough to prepare, but do not panic.