♲ @codepitbull@twitter.com: I work in IT, which is the reason our house has:
- mechanical locks
- mechanical windows
- routers using OpenWRT
- no smart home crap
- no Alexa/Google Assistant/...
- no internet connected thermostats
hypolite (hypolite@friendica.mrpetovan.com)'s status on Sunday, 20-Jan-2019 14:45:07 UTC hypolite - MMN-o ✅⃠ and Bob Jonkman like this.
- Bob Jonkman and LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} repeated this.
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman@nu.federati.net)'s status on Monday, 21-Jan-2019 16:18:24 UTC Douglas A. Whitfield I'm not suggesting you should give up on locks, but apparently most mechanical door locks are super easy to crack anyway, so it probably doesn't matter.
I think you probably left off the scariest: internet-connected ovens. -
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} (lnxw48a1@nu.federati.net)'s status on Monday, 21-Jan-2019 16:29:37 UTC LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} @musicman Probably these days, locks are (to use an old joke) not about outrunning the bear, just your neighbors.