@cobra2 @x1101 @pokey Of course, it bugs me that I should follow up on my initial response.
You were being kind and amusing. I saw "No Agenda" and needed to focus on that factor and my distaste for that show.
@cobra2 @x1101 @pokey #leftOut
@pokey @x1101 @cobra2 I'll have to consult my schedule. 2019 so far is looking possible.
@pokey @x1101 @cobra2 Thanks much. Sorry for the delay in responding, trying to figure out what to say and how to say it.
I have had to take a second job and don't foresee more than about two days off a year, TBH. Maybe I can request time off at some point. And I simply don't know what my life is going to be like in the next couple of months. I mean, I'm not in danger or homeless, anything like that.
So thanks for the offer. I'd love to take it. Maybe some day I will be able to, but I'm not holding my breath.
@cobra2 @x1101 @pokey I would send many of those people to the ER if I was forced to spend a significant time with them in a confined space.
@x1101 @pokey @cobra2 The fact that I should follow up doesn't bug me, my initial response is sticking in my craw, bugging me to give the second response.