I have run out of coffee beans. This is *BAD*
@make I went to my fave coffe shop, but they had just closed, They don't open until 10:00 tomorrow. I may have to stand outside in the morning.
@make I think I will survive. I wanted #coffee about 16:00 but now I will wait until tomorrow. The :-( sad part is... I made the last of it into a cup for a friend, but they did not drink it and let it go cold. GRRRR!!!!
@zoowar don't have one!
@make No! lifes too short! Also the reason it didn't get drunk immediately was we got distracted reading Wadlers paper on "Free Theorems"
@make oh! mine too! it's just a side hobby really. And I'm sure you can understand it. It's just about the reason that
`map (*2) $ sort [1,5,4,7,2,5] == sort $ map (*2) [1,5,4,7,2,5]`
@make though we do make quite heavy going of it sometimes.
@make ok.. wel that was just some Haskell to show that it doesn't matter if we sort a list if integers first then map something on it, or map first, then sort. The paper is about what we can prove about a functions from just knowing their type signature. (I think! )
@zoowar thanks! thats super useful in showing why I don't understand it good enough, and a little knowledge can be dangerous. Of course the type signature of sort is not general enough, with it's restriction to Ordered types. How about a working proper example, using reverse .. so
g f l = map f $ reverse l
h f l = reverse $ map f l
have the same output for any f :: a ->b, and l :: [a]
@make anyway I was wrong in my example. Best off forgetting it.