@SinaCutie I'm not sure what kind of problem you mean public key directories cause. Other people uploading your public key without your permission?
@SinaCutie Sorry to say it, but that's not technology treating you bad. It's people. A social problem, not a technical one.
Pro-tip is to simply not use a pseudonym related to anything unrelated to what you're communicating about if identity correlation is so sensitive.
Personally I use several separate live Tails USB keys with their own respective identity. Not that I necessarily need such security, more because it's good practice.
(while keeping my actual, physical identity out in the open, since otherwise I'd go insane)
@SinaCutie I think I'd argue that anyone with the luxury to run OpenPGP software is more than likely in a situation where acquiring multiple USB keys is not difficult.
@SinaCutie And no, noone is born with that knowledge. That's why our parents tell us not to talk to strangers etc. Maybe they should be a bit more specific though and say "don't copy data to others which can be correlated to uniquely identify you". Just so noone happens to accidentally not understand that data, once posted, should be regarded as permanently public.