I have felt this, but not been able to articulate it.
News comedy has become news, and on the way there has fallen into the same trap of having to manufacture outrage on a regular, programmed basis.
@celesteh But there's no range available. Everything is OMFGABCD regardless if it's "this legal practice is pretty unfair and we should proably fix the law" or "we just invaded the DPRK".
@celesteh The tax bill *won't* sustain outrage for a month. It's one show, and then the next one, whatever happened that day, will have the same level.
@clacke @celesteh The tax reform bill didn't go nearly as far as it should have. No credits, no deductions, 3 brackets all under 12%.
@clacke @celesteh Can already be cranked out automatically by a certain mainframe for individual returns. Would remove so much confusion.
@clacke @celesteh Policy-wise, I prefer all citizens to at least have to pay $1 per year at a minimum in tax. I want involvement in system.
@lnxw48a1 @alpacaherder The global jurisdiction for the IRS is bad enough as it is, and double taxation is a bug.
@lnxw48a1 @alpacaherder That's one thing. Going too far in the other direction and taxing a company to the full extent in Ireland *and* in the US just means companies can't have HQs in the US anymore.
@clacke @lnxw48a1 We have treaties for double taxation. Only the USA and Eritrea try to exercise global jurisdiction, too.
@benis @lnxw48a1 VAT.
@benis @lnxw48a1 So you see, VAT even creates job opportunities!